This website has a large number of lottery related phishing emails compiled for reference, so that people are not duped into losing their money.
Indian citizens receive a lot of lottery phishing emails because NTRO employees are openly involved in a far greater financial fraud compared to those sending the phishing emails wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money in the process.
Like those sending lottery phishing emails, the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet are spreading fake rumors that the domain investor, will get great powers, if she keeps quiet, and then these fraud ntro employees misuse the name of the domain investor and steal everything from her, falsely associating their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced sex worker girlfriends with her, to get all of them raw/cbi jobs
In a similar manner those who send phishing mails, want all the information of the recipient and also money, so they promise them quick money to all those who receive their phishing mails. NTRO employees are too busy with their identity theft racket, to take action against those sending these phishing mails to indian citizens