New York Powerball Lottery winner Robert Bailey’s winning number

Unlike other lottery winners, New York Powerball Lottery winner Robert Bailey got a lot of coverage in the media worldwide, mainly because of his method of choosing a winning number
Most people who purchase lottery tickets, will choose a number which they consider lucky, and select a different number everytime.
However Bailey was using the same number every week for more than 25 years
His winning number was 8-12-13-19-27-4

Bailey claimed that the number was given to him by a family member approximately 25 years ago.

Winners of the New York Powerball Lottery with prize money $687.8 million declared

The winners of the New York Powerball Lottery with prize money $687.8 million declared on October 27, 2018
the winners of the lottery were
Robert Bailey, 67, a retired postal worker from Manhattan, won $343.9 million in prize money
Lerynne West, a mother of three from Iowa

The payment was made in the form of a lumpsum check, and Bailey got $125,396,690 after taxes were deducted . The check was handed over to Bailey in a public ceremony

Re: Free-Lotto-® Winners””””’

We happily announce to you the draw of FreeLotto® online Sweepstakes International program held this year 2018.
You have won 10,000,000 in cash and prize (10 Million USD ) from FreeLotto® online Sweepstakes draw 2018.
Your Email Identity was one of the selected email all over the world in the lottery draw and it comes out one of the lucky winning number.
You are to contact claims Officer via email below for claims procedures.

Mr Joseph Carl


Congratulations!! Once again.

Yours in service,
Publicity Secretary.

Yearly Coca-Cola Lottery promotion United Kingdom – phishing email received twice on 4 November 2018

Only harmless domain investors are persecuted by ntro employees like hathwar , kodancha, j srinivasan, puneet, parmar while those sending phishing mails are harassed. Till 1 pm on 4 November 2018, the below email was already received twice.

Dear Winner

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of (?) 1,000,000,00 (ONE MILLION BRITISH POUNDS) for the Yearly Coca-Cola Lottery promotion United Kingdom which was organized by Coca-Cola in conjunction with Shell oil com. Chevron ,Texaco , and Pan Ocean Offshore, “Your Email Address” were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from Nine hundred thousand email from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually, we have only selected 20 people as our winners, through electronic ballot System without the winner applying

Contact us with your

1. Name

2. Age

3 Sex

4. country

5 winning email


NTRO employees are role models for those sending lottery phishing emails

This website has a large number of lottery related phishing emails compiled for reference, so that people are not duped into losing their money.

Indian citizens receive a lot of lottery phishing emails because NTRO employees are openly involved in a far greater financial fraud compared to those sending the phishing emails wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money in the process.

Like those sending lottery phishing emails, the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet are spreading fake rumors that the domain investor, will get great powers, if she keeps quiet, and then these fraud ntro employees misuse the name of the domain investor and steal everything from her, falsely associating their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced sex worker girlfriends with her, to get all of them raw/cbi jobs

In a similar manner those who send phishing mails, want all the information of the recipient and also money, so they promise them quick money to all those who receive their phishing mails. NTRO employees are too busy with their identity theft racket, to take action against those sending these phishing mails to indian citizens

EUROPE-LOTTERY INC – phishing email

Reference Number: EU-14/AA002351-ES


The Promotion Department 22 Garden Close, Stamford , Lincs , PE9 2YP , London United Kingdom . Dear Email Owner, We are pleased to notify you the “Winner” of our last Secured Mega Jackpot Online Sweepstakes result. This is a reward program for the patronage of internet services and all email addresses entered for this promotional draws were randomly selected from an internet resource database of registered software and domain users. We are glad to inform you that you have won a prize money of Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only,and one Mac Book Pro Laptop in our last E-lottery promotional draw. The online E-lottery draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet. No tickets were sold. Reference Number: EU-14/AA002351-ES E-ticket number: EU1274/2018-12 Category: A Amount:Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only You may wish to establish contact with your claims agent via e-mail with the particulars presented below: Contact: Jack Williams Tel: +447024078131 email Event Manager In line with the governing rules of claim, you requested to furnish your full contact information: Full Name………. Telephone Number……….. Fax Number……….. Home Address…………. Date Of Birth…….. Occupation…………. Office Address Prize Amount……….. E-ticket number:………… And Reference Number;……….

Staat Lottery Euro Draws – phishing email

The board of directors members of the staatsloterij netherlands wishes to congratulate you this month in our euro Million Jackpot Promotion.

Be aware that there were no ticket sold this comes with a jackpot prize of 750,000,00 euro’s ( Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros) in which e-mail addresses was selected from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, United States, Canada, South America and Arab, were individuals emails was randomly picked by our computer spinball software computerized email selection system from a database of over a million email addresses.

Your email address was attached to the following reference Lot winning numbers GS 81656, HH 97730 chosen this month in our jackpot promotion draw which consequently won the A category pay out of a lump sum of 750,000,00 euro’s (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euros)

If you have received our email,Click on our website below to confirm your winning staatsloterij lotnumbers.

kindly send us the below details to Accredited Department email:

for verification purpose and to facilitate your transfer on your name or direct our paying bank to effect the transfer of the funds to your designated bank account in your own country.

1. Full Name:
2. Age:
3. Sex:
4. Marital Status:
5. Address:
6. Reference Lot Numbers:
7. Occupation
8. Country of Resident:
9. Nationality:
10. Phone:
11. Fax Number:

Thanks for been part of our Jackpot Promotion program. All claims that are not processed would be nullified after 10 working days.

We wish you the best of lucky as you spend your good fortune.

Please keep all your information’s from public notice in order to avoid an Independent doctrine of double claim

Any breach of confidentiality of your winnings will result to disqualification.

Mr. Edwards Hendricks (Accredited Claims Agent)
Constant Contact: +31-684-596-163
0800-023-1303: only in the Netherlands
Accredited Department email:

David Seiler
Chairman management lottery gaming board Nederland’s

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

?????? Clam-AV ?????????
This mail already through the Clam-AV anti-virus system the check sweep to take aim.

BMW LOTTERY DEPARTMENT – do not fall into trap

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Dear Winner

This is to inform you that you have been selected for a prize of a brand new

2018 Model BMW Hydrogen 8 Series Car, a Check of $1.5 Million USD from the
international balloting programs held on the 1st section of the 2018 annual
award promo in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

The selection process was carried out through a random computerized email

selection system (ESS) from a database of over 250,000 email addresses drawn
from all the continents of the world, which your email address was selected.

The BMW Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also Licensed by

the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).

To begin the processing of your prize claim, You are to contact our fiduciary

claim department for more information as regards to the procedures on the claim
of your prize.

Name: Mr. Richard Stone


Contact him by providing him with your this secret pin code Number

BMW:2541256004/25. You are also advised to provide him with the under listed
information as soon as possible:

1. Name In Full :
2. Residential Address:
3. Nationality :
4. Age :
5. Occupation :
6. Direct Phone :
7. Present Country :
8. Email address :
9. pin code Number:bmw 2541256004/25


VISA Electron/Facebook Lottery – fraud alert

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your email address won in the first category of online VISA Electron/Facebook Lottery .

This is a Millennium Internet Game in which e-mail addresses were used and first of its kind. You did not purchase any ticket to enter for it, as an internet user your email address was randomly selected and you are one of the Selected Winners among 10 winners worldwide.

Winning No: 0 6 26 9 25 11, Ref Number: FB11M7J8BSS6T Batch Number 11/FB06L.

The numbers fall within the American,European, African, Asian and Australian Location file, AMOUNT WON: $2,500,000.00.

For further info please Contact you Prize Claims Supervisor ( Mr. Phill McGrath ) with your winning details.

Yours Truly,
Mariëtta Dirk
Online Lottery Co-ordinator